- History of the KulturQuartier
- KulturQuartier Team
- Forms & Download
Explore Leoben’s museums
- MuseumsCenter Leoben
Museum for Kids
Our workshop programme
- Legendary Iron
- Pottering around
- Rediscovering a Roman building
- Away we go! Off on our journey through time!
- A chirpy heraldic beast
- Discover Leoben! The city history experience
- On the trail of the museum! Leoben’s past
- A pinch of salt! Journey back to the Hallstatt period
- The mystery of old chests
- Clothes make people
- On the road with the Styrian prince
- In search of black gold
- The Romans in Leoben
- Unearthing the secrets of fossils
- The art of writing
- Old patterns back in fashion
- Wanted: fabric printers!
- An ostrich ruffles some feathers
- What’s on at the Museum for Kids?
- Interested in booking a workshop?
Our workshop programme
Kunsthalle Leoben
- Current exhibitions
Kunsthalle Leoben exhibition archive
- 2019: Eiszeitsafari/ Ice Age Safari
- 2018: Le(o)bensbilder - Le(o)bensspuren
- 2017: Weihnachtliche Papierkrippen/ Paper Nativity Sets
- 2017: Hoffnungs(t)raum PHANTASTISCH/ FANTASTIC Art
- 2016: Die GROSSE Welt des kleinen Theaters/ Puppetry
- 2016: Rohstoffe sind Zukunft/ Raw Materials are the Future
- 2016: Faszination Raumfahrt/ Space Travel
- 2016: Sonderausstellung Spielzeug/ Toys
- 2015: Ägypten/ Egypt
- 2014: Ins Schwarze getroffen/ Hit the Mark
- 2014: Die Shaolin Mönche/ Shaolin Monks
- 2013: Faszination Schädel/ Fascinating Skulls
- 2012: RadKult
- 2011: Rückkehr der Götter/ The Return of the Gods
- 2010: Alexander der Große/ Alexander the Great
- 2009: Das Gold der Steppe/ The Gold of the Steppe
- 2008: Die Wikinger/ The Vikings
- 2007: Gold & Jade
- 2006: Die Welt des Orients/ The World of the Orient
- 2005: Mensch und Kosmos - Präkolumbische Kunst aus Mexiko/ Humans and the Cosmos
- City Archives
- Museum Depot
- Guided Tours
- Leoben Public Library
- Current Affairs
- Service
- Search
- Sitemap